Sandy Teaches To the Beach in Shreveport

Shreveport Needlepoint Class is a Success

Shreveport SCR was an absolute blast! My class of 26 students was full of energy and a fun group to be with. They all seemed to have fun and enjoy doing stitches on their To The Beach piece. While the room was full, the accommodations were great and we had ample space for all to spread out and be comfortable. Many of my students won door prizes each day – none of it rubbed off on the teacher however! Not only that, several won multiple prizes!

The committee at Shreveport was efficient and great hosts – it was a joy to be there.

However, my classroom was invaded by approximately 6 witches or witchlike characters! Seems they were preparing for the 2013 Bewitchin Stitchin Seminar to be hosted at Sugarland, TX! If the program was any indication of what is to come, better hold on tight to your brooms! Details are available on the EGA website!


Stitch with a Smile!




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