Hearts A to Z – Registration

Hearts A to Z Needlepoint Cyberclass will close in less than a month

It’s less than a month away until the registration for Hearts from A to Z cyberclass will close.  This 8-lesson class will take you through a multitude of various stitches – well, from A to Z!  plus more.

Hearts A to Z


The stitches work up quickly as each one occupies a mere 1” of space.  Clear, well-numbered diagrams walk you through each stitch so you can quickly master each and every one.  Diagrams also help with the compensation of each ‘heart’ area.


You will be using your own stash so the canvas size and color is your personal choice.  The model was stitched on 18ct Zweigart monocanvas, white.   You will have your very own Yahoo Group in which to communicate with other classmates.


Be sure to go to




and sign up now before the hustle and bustle of summer gets in the way and the deadline passes.


The first class will be posted on September 3 and the last will be posted on October 22, 2012.


Happy Stitching,



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