Sandy is Back from ANG 2011 Seminar

American Needlepoint Guild 2011 Seminar- A WONDERFUL Stitching Experience

I am home safe and sound from ANG’s National Seminar in San Antonio, TX.  What a great seminar!

The accommodations were first class and the service was wonderful.  The local chapters really rolled out the Texas red carpet and it showed!  Now the weather is another matter, but thank goodness for air conditioning.  Since I taught all week, I didn’t have much time to be outside anyway.

My students were such fun!  To The Beach was colorful and enjoyable.  Some students were definitely turbo stitchers!  It was wonderful seeing each gal develop on the canvas.  We overcame some challenges and had a lot of fun and sharing while doing so.

Mended Heart was a different group of students.  This, too, was a very enjoyable class.  One-day is a lot of fun but so limited in time to share personalities.

I’m looking forward to the other classes for these pieces!  Check out the f2f listing on the drop down menu on the main page.

Here are some pictures from my classes.



ANG 2011 Seminar - San Antonio Texas


ANG 2011 Seminar - San Antonio Texas



ANG 2011 Seminar - San Antonio Texas



ANG 2011 Seminar - San Antonio Texas



ANG 2011 Seminar - San Antonio Texas

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